Homebuyer Reports

RICS HomeBuyer Service


The RICS HomeBuyer Service includes an inspection, a report and a valuation, and these are all explained in detail in the ‘Description of the RICS HomeBuyer Service’ the surveyor will give you. The RICS HomeBuyer report is a standard format, and is different to a building survey in three main ways.


  1. It is designed for particular types of home.
    These are houses, bungalows and flats that:
    • are of a traditional type and construction; and
    • are apparently in reasonable condition.

  2. It identifies what the surveyor considers to be the most important issues. By applying condition ratings to elements of the building, the services and any garages and permanent outbuildings, the surveyor will tell you whether defects are serious or urgent.

  3. An Open Market Valuation and Insurance Reinstatement (which you will need for insurance purposes) can be included at an additional cost.

The report also includes other valuable information.

Robin Austin Surveyors | Suite 6

Chatmohr Business Park | Crawley Hill

West Wellow  | ROMSEY

Hampshire | SO51 6AP